Independent Race Series News

Brand New Website Launched

The Independent Race Series has launched its brand new 2010-model website today.

The new site aligns with the philosophy of the Independent Race Series of providing accessible, exciting and fun racing. Much hammering, grinding and polishing has gone into making sure the site is accessible, and provides a fun and exciting portal into the series.

It's now easier than ever to access the most popular sections of the site. Every page features links to: enter the next round, subscribe to the mailing list, or interact with iRace through social media like Twitter and Facebook. If these aren't your cup of tea, the site still has plenty to offer, with easy access to photos, videos, results and loads of other information.

Check out the new site now!

We're still bedding in the brakes, and running the engine in, so if there are a couple of glitches over the next few days, please bear with us - it will be worth it!

And check back in a couple of days for a short video highlighting many of the easily overlooked features of the new site. This will help even those on their internet P-plates access the best features of the site.

Round 1 of the 2010 Independent Race Series kicks off at Oran Park GP circuit, 15-16 Jan 2010.
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