Independent Race Series News

Genesis Fitness Club to Support iRace

GenesisRound 4 of the 2010 iRace series at Lakeside Raceway will see a brand new supporter join the series with GENESIS the fitness club for every body, coming on board.

Genesis is a long established chain of fitness centres serving locations around Australia, and will be title sponsors of the RocketSports category. Genesis will also sponsor Stephen Pocock in his Honda Civic competing in Muscle Division.

Genesis has 40 Fitness centres around Australia staffed with leading professionals to help you achieve your goals. This is very relevant area for the motorsport competitor for trimming kilos and improving cardio fitness for improved race performance. Fitness is a major part of motorsport preparation at any level, so catch up with a Genesis team member at Lakeside or drop into your local centre.

Visit the Genesis website here.

Check out Genesis on Facebook here.

Follow Genesis on Twitter here.

Round 4 of the Independent Race Series heads to Lakeside Raceway 12-13 June 2010. Check out all the event information here.

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