Independent Race Series News

iRace TV - Round 3 - Moynahan Brothers

iRace Round 3 - Rod & Phillip Moynahan Interview from Sam Dale on Vimeo.

iRace TV - Round 3 - Production Racing Cars

iRace Round 3 - Production Racing Cars Montage from Sam Dale on Vimeo.

iRace TV - Round 3 - Muscle Division

iRace Round 3 - Muscle Division Montage from Sam Dale on Vimeo.

iRace TV - Round 3 - RocketSports

iRace Round 3 RocketSports Montage from Sam Dale on Vimeo.

iRace TV - Round 3 - Drift HD Hot Lap

Drift HD Hot Lap - Josh Townsend from Sam Dale on Vimeo.

iRace TV - Round 3 - Touring Car Challenge

iRace Round 3 Touring Car Challenge Montage from Sam Dale on Vimeo.

Round Three Drives Available

Round Three is fast approaching. If you'd like to be a part of it you can get your entry in here.

If you don't have a racecar ready, the Oz Truck guys have the awesome #85 car ready to go and available for lease, more details available here. If you're keen to lease something else, get in touch with Rod Dale, and he will point you in the right direction!

Round Three will be held at Morgan Park, 16-17 June, with practice available on Friday 15 June.

iRace TV - Round 1 - Flanagan + Flanagan

iRace TV - Round 1 - Robbie Bolger Interview

iRace TV - Round 1 - Muscle Division

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